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    impact hero.
    We take eco-social responsibility:

    Planting trees

Go Green - Grow my trees

Sustainability is an ongoing focus for our business and we are constantly striving to increase our contribution through targeted initiatives.

In support of the United Nations' SSustainable DDevelopment GGoals (SDGs), we have been planting trees as a partner of impact hero since September 2024.

Tree planting is one of the most effective ways to combat climate change, as each tree removes ~22kg of CO2 from the air every year.

The people behind impact hero are fully and wholeheartedly committed to solving the global, social and environmental challenges necessary for the sustainable development of our planet.

We have reached our first quota of 6,300 trees planted with impact hero and dedicate these trees to our customers with every order.

Since 1 September 2024, the technical integration has been implemented and we automatically plant one tree with every order up to an order value of €299, and two trees for all orders above this amount. All customers will receive a personalised tree certificate from impact hero via email on the day of delivery!

... and as soon as our first contingent has been used up by customer orders, we will close the next contingent!

Here are some more figures on what impact hero has already achieved with the financial support of its partners:

As of September 2024, impact hero has already surpassed the impressive total of 2.6 million trees planted.This includes

  • 57 million kg of CO2 sequestration potential per year!
  • 3,900 days of education for women and young people
  • more than 26,000 working days in the Global South
  • more than 10 million square metres of land restored

Maximising the effect - Individual sustainability criteria for the impact area

These 6 key criteria apply to every Impact Hero project. Each project has specific challenges. In order to meet these challenges, we have defined individual sustainability criteria for each of our impact areas. In the area of reforestation, for example, it is essential that only balanced mixed forests are planted. For this reason, there is a specific methodology that has been reviewed by experts, which includes these 6 points and ensures sustainability. In order to ensure that the sustainability criteria are continuously met, regular dialogue with partners in the Global South is of great importance. Updates are given, challenges are discussed and best practices are shared. This continuous dialogue makes it possible to keep the projects on track and make adjustments where necessary to ensure that they are sustainable and effective.

1. Impact First

Impact Hero only supports projects that have a proven long-term impact and pay particular attention to the needs of marginalised groups. Resources are channelled into the projects where the need is greatest.

2. SDGs and the three pillars

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals are Impact Hero's framework. Environmental, social and economic principles are pursued simultaneously in every project.

3. bottom-up approach

Local communities are involved in all projects and the aim is to help people help themselves. Cultural traditions are strictly respected.

4. code of ethics

After careful due diligence by a transparency team, only partners with high ethical standards and fair wages are selected.

5. Education and awareness-raising

All projects aim to tackle the incentives that have triggered the problem by raising awareness of sustainability.

6. Sustainability in-house (eng)

The project partners implementing the projects are supported by guidelines, monitoring and evaluation.

Grow my tree