Are the containers suitable for low temperatures?

Only conditionally. Some products are suitable for deep-freeze applications down to -18 °C on the basis of executed tests.

Please be sure to adhere to the information we provide in the item description at the bottom of the item details page.

As a wholesaler, we pass on the manufacturer's information, over which we have no influence. In the end, the ultimate responsibility for the use of our packaging always lies with the user, as only they know and can influence the application and all downstream processes (such as storage and transport).

Please note that all containers can become brittle and fragile as the temperature drops!

From the isolated point of view of migration (of substances from the packaging into the contents), our products are completely harmless in deep-freeze, as the migration always decreases with falling temperatures.

You can recognise a non-binding indication of suitability for deep-freezing by the performance symbol on the product image.

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